EU countries agree in principle new sanctions targeting Belarus

Post Content
2024-06-26 17:09:04

Moscow says new EU sanctions against it will hurt EU more than Russia

Post Content
2024-06-25 00:07:27

EU hits Russia with sanctions targeting LNG for the first time

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2024-06-20 19:09:29

EU announces new sanctions on Russia, targeting gas for the first time

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2024-06-20 16:08:06

EU must maintain sanctions pressure on Russia, Baerbock says

Post Content
2024-06-14 19:09:35

Ukraine extends blackouts as Russian bombings continue

Kyiv says some of its power stations, battered by Russian bombardments, might never come back online.
2024-06-12 18:08:20

EU sanctions Iran's defence minister for transfer of drones, missiles

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2024-05-31 21:08:28

Flood-battered farmers in southern Brazil wade through lost harvests

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2024-05-29 13:09:10

EU foreign ministers adopt new sanctions regime for Russia

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2024-05-27 12:09:31

'We need a miracle' - Israeli and Palestinian economies battered by war

Six months of conflict have also taken a heavy economic toll.
2024-04-24 07:09:19

Iran condemns planned EU sanctions as 'unlawful'

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2024-04-23 16:08:53

EU plans new salvo of sanctions on Russia

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2024-04-19 19:08:58

EU leaders agree sanctions on Iran for Israel attack

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2024-04-18 03:06:47

EU to start work on expanding Iran sanctions, Borrell says

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2024-04-16 23:06:54

EU plans new sanctions on Iran following attacks on Israel

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2024-04-16 23:06:40

Iran may face new EU sanctions after attack on Israel

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2024-04-15 22:07:35

EU court annuls sanctions on two Russian businessmen

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2024-04-10 17:09:40

Russia has finally admitted Western sanctions are hitting its oil exports

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2024-03-25 11:09:50

Attorney: Congressional seat data not ready until February

2021-01-05 02:05:49

China brings in new law to fight Trump's sanctions

Chinese officials are bracing for more punitive measures in Donald Trump's final days in office.
2021-01-11 06:07:50

China brings in new law to fight Trump's sanctions

Chinese officials are bracing for more punitive measures in Donald Trump's final days in office.
2021-01-11 06:07:56

US sanctions controversial deputy of Iraqi paramilitaries

2021-01-13 20:05:59

Trump takes final swipe at China's biggest companies

With just days left, the US president continues crackdown on Chinese firms with more sanctions and bans.
2021-01-15 04:05:52

Iran imposes symbolic sanctions on President Trump

2021-01-19 19:06:02

Iran imposes symbolic sanctions on President Trump

2021-01-19 23:05:52

China hits Trump officials with sanctions on their way out

2021-01-20 20:05:55

Sanctions urged against Russian figures in English football

Detained Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny says action could put pressure on President Putin.
2021-01-28 21:06:01

Trump left behind a sanctions minefield for Biden

2021-01-30 14:05:50

Biden threatens sanctions on Myanmar after military coup

2021-02-01 20:06:02

Myanmar coup: US threatens sanctions over Aung San Suu Kyi detention

Aung San Suu Kyi and other elected leaders were detained on Monday as the army seized power.
2021-02-02 03:05:51

Merkel on Russia: yes to sanctions, no to cutting ties

2021-02-05 18:05:51

Iran nuclear deal: US sanctions will not be lifted for talks, says Biden

Joe Biden says he will not lift sanctions to kick-start talks over Tehran's nuclear programme.
2021-02-07 20:06:09

Iran nuclear deal: US sanctions will not be lifted for talks, says Biden

Joe Biden says he will not lift sanctions to kick-start talks over Tehran's nuclear programme.
2021-02-07 20:06:10

Bizalmas jelentés: Észak-Korea nem állt le az atomprogramjával

Észak-Korea a nemzetközi szankciókat megsértve folytatta atom- és rakétaprogramját 2020-ban ? áll abban a bizalmas jelentésben, amely hétfőn került az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsa elé. Minderről a Reuters hírügynökséget egy ENSZ-diplomata tájékoztatta. A szankciók betartását ellenőrző független szakértők éves jelentése szerint Észak-Korea hasadóanyagot termelt, korszerűsítette ballisztikus rakétáinak infrastruktúráját, és továbbra is megpróbál atom- és rakétaprogramjához külföldről anyagot és technológiát beszerezni. A jelentés készítői megjegyezték, hogy tavaly a kommunista diktatúra katonai dísz...
2021-02-09 08:05:39

Myanmar coup: US announces sanctions on leaders

President Biden backs an executive order on measures against military leaders and their businesses.
2021-02-10 22:05:59

Russia warns EU it could cut ties over sanctions

The EU is considering more sanctions on Russia over the case of Putin critic Alexei Navalny.
2021-02-12 12:05:53

Myanmar coup: UK imposes sanctions on three generals

The UK will also put in place measures to prevent UK aid indirectly helping the new military regime.
2021-02-18 18:05:51

Ukraine sanctions politician and Putin ally Medvedchuk

2021-02-19 20:06:01

U.S. settles with BitPay for apparent sanctions breaches

2021-02-19 21:05:58


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